Fort Worth
Community Camera Program
Why should I register my camera?
Community involvement can be critical to an investigation. Evidence obtained on your camera can be used to solve crimes.
How do I register my camera?
Camera registration is fast and easy. All you need to do is enter your contact details into this secure form.
How will my camera be used?
A Fort Worth investigator will contact you to request video evidence should an incident occur near your camera. Your camera cannot be live streamed.
Who can access my camera(s)?
The camera registry will only be accessible to the Fort Worth Police Department
Community involvement is what makes Fort Worth a great place to live, work and play. We are excited to strengthen our community bonds through the Fort Worth community camera sharing program.
— Chief of Police Neil Noakes
Register Your CameraFAQS:
Who should integrate cameras?
Commercial businesses who would like Fort Worth PD to have direct access to their camera feeds.
How do I integrate my cameras?
Camera integrations depend on the type of camera. Use this form to tell us about your camera setup and we will send you detailed instructions.
How will my camera be used?
Integrating your cameras allows Fort Worth PD to have direct access to your camera feed in case of an emergency near your location.
Who can access my camera(s)?
Integrating your cameras allows Fort Worth PD to have direct access to your camera feed in case of an emergency near your location.
Integrate Your CameraAdditional FAQsPurchase Cameras3 WAYS TO GET INVOLVED
Businesses can take community security one step further by giving the Fort Worth PD and first responders direct access to your camera feed in case of a nearby emergency.
Your participation will greatly enhance emergency preparedness by enabling police, fire, and public safety professionals to better assess and rapidly respond to criminal activity and emergency situations.
Purchase CamerasBusinesses can purchase a camera that directly integrates with Fort Worth PD and first responders. We'll even handle the installation.
Register Your CameraIntegrate Your CameraFort Worth Community Camera Program
is a new public safety program enabling the people of Fort Worth to help keep their community safe.
Your participation will greatly enhance emergency preparedness by enabling police, fire, and public safety professionals to better assess and rapidly respond to criminal activity and emergency situations. It will also enable investigators to easily gather evidence in case of an incident.
Have you seen these in your community?
Have you seen this in your community?
Learn more about the Flock Safety® Community Partnership Camera program. Empower your community and help reduce crime.
Learn MoreLearn more about the Flock Safety® Community Partnership Camera program. Empower your community and help reduce crime.